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Health and Safety

The following steps will help make your visit safe and reduce the risk of an E-Coli infection:

  • Ensure that hands are washed after touching fences, tools or any surfaces which may have come in contact with animals, manure or soil  and touching or feeding animals
  • Do not eat or chew outside of eating areas on the farm
  • Make sure that any cuts or grazes on hands are covered with a waterproof dressing
  • Ensure that sturdy foot wear is worn, that can be cleaned (shallow footbaths are situated outside of the stables) or changed on leaving the animal areas
  • Do not kiss the animals
  • Do not eat the animal food
  • Do not put your fingers in your mouth i.e. biting finger nails, sucking thumbs
  • Do not touch or tread in animal faeces, wash shoes and hands if you have come into contact with faeces
  • If after visiting the farm you became ill (sickness or diarrhoea) contact your doctor. 
  • Heeley City Farm

    Help Heeley City Farm by donating via our JustGiving page. Even the smallest amount can help the work we do to continue! For more info on how people can help the Farm go to our Donate Page

    Working for the community with the community

    Heeley City Farm is a company limited by guarantee without share capital.

    Reg. No. 2141420. VAT Reg. No. 646 3843 17. Reg. Charity No. 1111482.

    Member of the Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens.

    Honorary Patrons: Professor Danny Dorling, Louise Haigh MP

    Heeley City Farm, Richards Road, Sheffield, S2 3DT.

    Phone: 0114 258 0482


    Heeley City Farm 1981–2019

    *Website best viewed in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge*

    Heeley City Farm

    Working for the community with the community

    Heeley City Farm is a company limited by guarantee without share capital.

    Reg. No. 2141420. VAT Reg. No. 646 3843 17

    Reg. Charity No. 1111482.


    Member of the Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens.


    Honorary Patrons: Professor Danny Dorling, Louise Haigh MP

    Heeley City Farm, Richards Road, Sheffield, S2 3DT.

    Phone: 0114 258 0482


    Heeley City Farm 1981–2022

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