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Heeley Energy House

Formerly South Yorkshire Energy Centre

Heeley Energy House is a unique not-for-profit, energy efficiency demonstration centre in Sheffield. 

We're dedicated to keeping local people warm and comfortable - we're here with help to find better energy deals, manage your bills, and improve your home's energy efficiency.

Our friendly staff and volunteers can give you ideas and inspiration to take practical steps - from low-cost measures, such as draught-proofing and energy saving top tips, through to solar panels and ground source heat pumps.



So, what can the Heeley Energy House do for YOU!?

Help make you fuel bills more affordable
FREE assistance to find cheaper energy tariffs, practical draught-proofing actions, and access to financial help. 


Energy Efficiency
promoting simple day-to-day steps to save energy, gives real assistance to make homes warmer, and demonstrates insulation and green technology to reduce carbon emissions. 


We have real working examples of solar hot water, solar PV (electricity), battery storage, a ground source heat-pump and underfloor heating, and grey water capture systems to examine. 


We have information on cycle routes in and around Sheffield; and data on electric vehicles (EV's) to help decision-making.



We have some fun activities exploring energy generation and usage, suitable for all ages. We host school visits and welcome home-schooled visitors. We have a wealth of free leaflets and information to support learning, as well as experienced and knowledgeable staff and volunteers to talk to.

See the useful links section further down this page too, for more resources.

We have lots of information and advice on making your home warmer and on reducing your energy bills. We run energy advice sessions where you can bring your gas and electricity bills and we will try to save you some money by finding the cheapest tariff. We provide complete one-to-one support and organise switching directly with the energy suppliers. We can also advise on any support you may be eligible for. Our advice is free and impartial.


Advice sessions are currently through appointment only.

Contact Sharon on

Staying Warm Affordably

The Issue - Despite milder winters, there are between 200 - 500 excess winter deaths in Sheffield each year attributed to cold-related illnesses often exacerbated by cold, damp homes. One in every 8 households in Sheffield are defined as being in fuel poverty (12.3%, national average 11%).


Older people, householders with chronic illness or disabilities and young children are most vulnerable to poor living conditions and often suffer from recurrent chest infections, and poor circulation. Depression and stress are also serious health implications of sub standard housing, fuel poverty and  fuel debt, and there is evidence that  children’s futures can be jeopardised by cold homes where they impact educational attainment.


HEH is now well established and part of a city-wide referral system made up of over 60 partners including health professionals – GP’s, community support workers, voluntary organisations and community groups for affordable warmth and fuel poverty support across Sheffield. Under its Small Measures scheme, for example, draught proofing is available to households. HEH also facilitates access to heating, boilers and insulation measures, subject to funding.

Planet First Energy Announce Partnership with South Yorkshire Energy Centre (now know as Heeley Energy House)

A leading energy advice centre will continue supporting energy poor households, thanks to a unique partnership with Planet First.

South Yorkshire Energy Centre, located at Heeley City Farm in Sheffield, help domestic customers in fuel poor households access energy cost and consumption education and resources.

The aim is to share knowledge of energy reduction steps, and renewable energy resources, to reduce energy usage and costs.

Planet First Energy will provide the Energy Centre with significant funding and volunteer support. Energy specialists from Planet First Energy have committed to volunteer at the Centre.

A new Energy Centre brand has been developed, and prominent signage is to be installed at the Centre, to promote the partnership.

Steve Silverwood, Managing Director of Planet First Energy, said: “We are committed to help reduce energy consumption, and improve access to renewable energy. South Yorkshire Energy Centre share our values.

“Our partnership with the Centre ensures continuation of their invaluable work in our community. We look forward to helping to deliver exciting new initiatives in the future.”


For more information about Planet First Energy click here

*Website best viewed in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge*

Heeley City Farm

Working for the community with the community

Heeley City Farm is a company limited by guarantee without share capital.

Reg. No. 2141420. VAT Reg. No. 646 3843 17

Reg. Charity No. 1111482.


Member of the Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens.


Honorary Patrons: Professor Danny Dorling, Louise Haigh MP

Heeley City Farm, Richards Road, Sheffield, S2 3DT.

Phone: 0114 258 0482


Heeley City Farm 1981–2022

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