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Firth Park Community Allotment

If you have visited our site at Richards Road and think you have seen all that Heeley City Farm has to offer, then think again! Situated on the Brushes allotment site, a few miles away from the farm, is the hidden gem that is the Firth Park Community Allotment! The site was established in 2005 by Heeley City Farm and Firth Park Sure Start to help local families and their children learn to grow their own food; since then the allotment has evolved into an outdoor treasure trove comprising of an array of fruit trees and bushes, raised beds, seasonal crops, a poly tunnel, pond, wildlife areas and much, much more!

We have maintained our Community GREEN FLAG status for 5 years and in 2016 became proud winners of the Sheffield City Council BOLTON CUP for Best Community Allotment.

Veg Patch Kids



We welcome toddlers, pre-schoolers, home educators and childminders. We kindly request a minimum donation of £1 per child and an additional contribution if taking home produce from the allotment. Monday sessions run term-time only and some Thursday sessions are held during the school holidays as family play schemes. For more information, contact Dot Rodman (details below).

Our aim is to enable children to understand how food is grown, instil a love of the outdoors and provide opportunities for them to connect with nature, whilst bringing families and communities together.

We have on site various digging beds, a mud kitchen, an outdoor reading den, sand and water trays and a sheltered patio area – making the allotment a great place for children to indulge in some good old-fashioned messy play! In catering to the different interests and learning styles of children however, we combine these free-flow play areas with a series of more structured activities to keep little hands and minds busy; each session we set a blackboard of tasks which families are encouraged to participate in, including sowing seeds, weeding, watering, digging, planting, litter picking and harvesting fruit and vegetables for snack time!

In addition to this we provide a range of craft activities, bug hunts and outdoor-themed toys and books for children to enjoy on site. Sessions are ended with a healthy snack and, wherever possible, families are given produce from the allotment to take home.

For the convenience of families of young children we also have the following provisions:


Pram store

Sheltered patio area for mums wanting to breastfeed

Nappy changing mat

Adult Volunteers Wednesday & Thursday 10am till 2.30pm

Volunteers are essential in maintaining our plots and we are always keen for more people to join our team. If you are interested in making new friends, getting some exercise, learning new skills and sharing old ones in our stunning community plots just turn up to our Wednesday and Thursday sessions. Other sessions are also available.

We also offer a wide range of other activities including:

•    Food growing
•    Using your DIY skills
•    Gardening
•    Cook and eat sessions
•    Holiday play schemes
•    Environmental crafts
•    School and community group visits
•    Women’s construction courses
•    Wildlife watching

Firth Park Community Allotment can be found where Vickers Drive and Vickers Rd meet S5 6TG, look for the green big gates!

For more information contact Dot at

*Website best viewed in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge*

Heeley City Farm

Working for the community with the community

Heeley City Farm is a company limited by guarantee without share capital.

Reg. No. 2141420. VAT Reg. No. 646 3843 17

Reg. Charity No. 1111482.


Member of the Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens.


Honorary Patrons: Professor Danny Dorling, Louise Haigh MP

Heeley City Farm, Richards Road, Sheffield, S2 3DT.

Phone: 0114 258 0482


Heeley City Farm 1981–2022

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