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Frequently asked questions

We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions and are happy to help, for further information please ask a member of staff and we will update this list!


What are the Farm's Opening hours?

The Farm is open 9am till 5pm every day of the year except Christmas Day. The animals are usually out from 10am till about 3pm.


Is there a fee to visit the Farm?

Heeley City Farm is a completely open site and is free to member of the public to come and look round. School/groups visits can be arranged for a charge.


Is there parking?

There isn't a car park at the farm but the site is surrounded by roads that you can park on for free.


What is available at the Farm?

You can find our wonderful animals out in the fields, in the stables and the Small Animal House.  We also offer the following attractions:


  • Vegan and vegetarian cafe know as The Farm Kitchen
  • Garden Centre
  • Wildlife gardens
  • Dementia garden known as The Valerie Garden
  • Food growing areas


Are dogs allowed at the Farm?

Yes! Dogs are always welcome at the Farm, all we ask is that you keep the dog on a lead and that you don't go into the small animal house with your dog as it may scare the small animals that live in their.


What are the cafe's opening hours?

The Farm Kitchen is open from 9.30am till 3.30pm everyday, last orders for food are at 2.45pm. It does close for a few weeks around Christmas time, specific dates are put up around The Farm Kitchen around the time.


Does The Farm Kitchen sell meat?

No, The Farm Kitchen is a vegan and vegetarian cafe.


Can visitors feed the animals?

Yes, but we ask that you only feed the animals with the animal feed bought in the Garden Centre.


What can you tell us about the farm animals?

90% of our large animals and poultry are native British breeds of animal recognized as threatened or endangered by the RBST (rare breed’s survival trust). We aim to create a vibrant visitor’s attraction whilst also educating people about native British breeds but also about where food comes from. We also teach young people and adults animal care and many of our animals have a therapeutic benefit, both at the farm and out and about in care homes and schools. We breed our healthy pigs, sheep and goats once a year and cows once every two years. Female animals are kept for restocking or sold to other small holders to help increase numbers of rare breed animals. Male animals are sold as pets or raised at the farm for meat. Our pigs and sheep are also regularly used as part of conservation and clearing projects in Sheffield and the Peak District.


Does the Farm just work in Heeley?

No. The Farm has multiple site across the city. We have a number of satellite sites across Sheffield including sites at Firth Park, Meersbrook Park, Norfolk Park, Wortley Hall. Many of our projects including our Community Heritage Department, our Dementia Department, our Safe Places programme and lots of the projects in the South Yorkshire Energy Centre (to name but a few) reach across a lot more of the cities districts.


How can we donate to the Farm?

You can donate online by going to, alternatively there are donation boxes up around the Farm as well as in the Cafe and in the Offices.


Can the Farm take animals in?

Generally no. Although we have from time to time depending on the animal, the animals gender and other criterias, but usually we don't. The following is a list of places that we direct people to if they are looking for a new home for an animal.

South Yorkshire Animal Rescue - 0114 255 0469

Millhouses Animal Sanctury - 0114 230 2907 or 07980992589

RSPCA Sheffield - 0114 289 8050

Thornberry Animal Sanctury - 01909 564 399


Does the farm have fruit and veg for sale?

The farm grows a wide range of locally grown produce, both at the city farm site's kitchen garden, as well as at a number of satellite sites such as Norfolk Park Community Garden and Meersbrook Park Community Garden. We also manage an organic certified market garden at Wortley Hall. Our produce is available through local box schemes and green grocers, Nether Edge Farmers Market and is used in the Heeley City Farm Kitchen. We also produce honey from our hives at Norfolk Park, Wortley and at the city farm site, which is sold raw and unprocessed. Our HCF honey, along with homemade jams and chutneys and our homemade 'Over The Gate' frozen ready meals are all for sale in The Farm Kitchen.


What does the Garden Centre sell?

Our on site Garden Centre has a multitude of things for sale from in season plants, shrubs, herbs and veg to plant pots and garden ornaments to handmade bird and bat boxes, made on site by our Supported Learning department. We also have green compost and manure for sale. Eggs freshly laid by our chickens and ducks on site.


Does the Farm sell manure?

Yes, we do sell manure, for the up to date info/to order you can speak to our Garden Centre staff on 0747 195 2628


Does the Farm produce and sell meat?

We do produce a small amount of rare breed meat. Our animals are always slow grown, free range and kept in the highest welfare conditions we can manage. We aim to educate volunteers and visitors about where meat comes from whilst also showcasing an alternative to commercial farming. We sell our meat to a local pub/restaurant and also through an email list.


Does the Farm do DBS (formerly CRB) checks?

No. Unfortunately this service is no longer available at the Farm


How to get to the Farm?

See our getting here page


How did the Farm get started?

See the History of the Farm


Are there volunteering opportunities?

See Volunteering page


Are there any job vacancies at the Farm?

See our Current Vacancies page


Has your question been answered?

No? please see the contact us page there you can find the relevant emails for the department you need.

*Website best viewed in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge*

Heeley City Farm

Working for the community with the community

Heeley City Farm is a company limited by guarantee without share capital.

Reg. No. 2141420. VAT Reg. No. 646 3843 17

Reg. Charity No. 1111482.


Member of the Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens.


Honorary Patrons: Professor Danny Dorling, Louise Haigh MP

Heeley City Farm, Richards Road, Sheffield, S2 3DT.

Phone: 0114 258 0482


Heeley City Farm 1981–2022

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